
“They’re right here”: barriers to welcoming skilled workers to Germany

Immigration5 min read1 Sep 2023

By Jonas Füllner, Ulrich Jonas and Annette Woywoode

Germany is in desperate need of skilled workers. Hamburg-based street paper Hinz&Kunzt spoke to people who have come from abroad and could fill the gap – but face barriers to working in the country.

“Make it in Germany” has been the slogan of the German Federal Government for 10 years now as they attempt to attract skilled workers from abroad. Their campaign homepage is overloaded with the beaming faces of people who made it. Entering the country’s labour market seems to be straightforward. The reality is quite different.

Hinz&Kunzt met with some of the much-needed professionals from abroad who want to start working in Germany but are blocked by bureaucratic obstacles, including lack of recognition of their qualifications, too much paperwork, and insufficient support.

This article first appeared in Hinz&Kunzt, a magazine sold on the streets of Hamburg, Germany, by people who have limited other ways of earning an income.

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